37- A.K.S. Wee, Y. Surget-Groba, R. Corlett 2015. Genetic optimization of trees in living collections. BGjournal, 12: 18-20.
36- H. Fan, A.R. Ives, Y. Surget-Groba, C.H. Cannon 2015. An assembly and alignment-free method for phylogeny reconstruction from next-generation sequencing data. BMC Genomics, 16: 522.
35- R.S. Thorpe, A. Barlow, A. Malhotra, Y. Surget-Groba 2015. Widespread parallel population adaptation to climate variation across a radiation. Molecular Ecology, 24: 1019-1030.
34- P.O. Alele, D. Sheil, Y. Surget-Groba, L. Shi, C.H. Cannon 2014. How Does Conversion of Natural Tropical Rainforest Ecosystems Affect Soil Bacterial and Fungal Communities in the Nile River Watershed of Uganda? PLoS One, 9: e104818.
33- B. Mila, Y. Surget-Groba, B. Heulin, A. Gosa, P.S. Fitze 2013. Multilocus phylogeography of the common lizard Zootoca vivipara at the Ibero-Pyrenean suture zone reveals lowland barriers and high-elevation introgression. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 13: 192.
32- Y. Surget-Groba, K.M. Kay 2013. Restricted gene flow within and between rapidly diverging neotropical plant species. Molecular Ecology, 22: 4931-4942.
31- Y. Surget-Groba, R.S. Thorpe 2013. A likelihood framework analysis of an island radiation: phylogeography of the Lesser Antillean gecko Sphaerodactylus vincenti, in comparison with the anole Anolis roquet. Journal of Biogeography, 40: 105-116.
30- R.S. Thorpe, Y. Surget-Groba, H. Johansson 2012. Quantitative traits and mode of speciation in Martinique anoles. Molecular Ecology, 21:5299-5308.
29- A.R. Davis Rabosky, A. Corl, H.E.M. Liwanag, Y. Surget-Groba, B. Sinervo 2012. Direct Fitness Correlates and Thermal Consequences of Facultative Aggregation in a Desert Lizard. PLoS ONE, 7: e40866.
28- Y. Surget-Groba, H. Johansson, R.S. Thorpe 2012. Synergy between allopatry and ecology in population differentiation and speciation. International Journal of Ecology, 2012: Article ID 273413.
27- B. Heulin, Y. Surget-Groba, B. Sinervo, D. Miles, A. Guiller 2011. Dynamics of haplogroup frequencies and survival rates in a contact zone between two mtDNA lineages of the lizard Lacerta vivipara. Ecography, 34:436-447.
26- A.R. Davis, A. Corl, Y. Surget-Groba, B. Sinervo 2011. Convergent evolution of kin-based sociality in a lizard. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278: 1507-1514.
25- Y. Surget-Groba, J.I. Montoya-Burgos 2010. Optimization of de novo transcriptome assembly from next-generation sequencing data. Genome Research, 20:1432-1440.
24- R.S. Thorpe*, Y. Surget-Groba*, H. Johansson 2010. Genetic test for ecological and allopatric speciation in anoles on an island archipelago. PLoS Genetics, 6: e1000929.
*These two authors contributed equally to this work
23- R. Maslak, L. Pasko, J. Kusznierz, M. Moska, B. Heulin, Y. Surget-Groba 2010. Genetic differentiation of the sand lizard populations, Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758 (Reptilia, Lacertidae) in Central Europe. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wroclawiu - Biologia i Hodowla Zwierzat, 60:107-124.
22- H. Johansson, Y. Surget-Groba, R.S. Thorpe 2008. The roles of allopatric divergence and natural selection in quantitative trait variation across a secondary contact zone in the lizard Anolis roquet. Molecular Ecology, 17:5146-5156.
21- H. Johansson, Y. Surget-Groba, J.L. Gow, R.S. Thorpe 2008. Development of microsatellite markers in the St Lucia anole, Anolis luciae. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8:1408-1410.
20- H. Johansson, Y. Surget-Groba, R.S. Thorpe 2008. Microsatellite data show evidence for male-biased dispersal in the Caribbean lizard Anolis roquet. Molecular Ecology, 17, 4425-4432.
19- R.S. Thorpe, Y. Surget-Groba, H. Johansson 2008. The relative importance of ecology and geographic isolation for speciation in anoles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 363:3071-3081.
18- R.S. Thorpe, A.G. Jones, A. Malhotra, Y. Surget-Groba 2008. Adaptive radiation in Lesser Antillean lizards: Molecular phylogenetics and species recognition in the Lesser Antillean dwarf gecko complex, Sphaerodactylus fantasticus. Molecular Ecology, 17:1489-1504.
17- Heulin B, Garnier D, Surget-Groba Y, Deunff J 2008. Plasma levels of estradiol during vitellogenesis and early gestation in oviparous and viviparous Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara. Amphibia-Reptilia, 29:135-139.
16- Sinervo B, Heulin B, Y. Surget-Groba, Clobert J, Miles DB, Corl A, Chaine A, Davis A. 2007. Models of Density-dependent Genic Selection and a New Rock-Paper-Scissors Social System. American Naturalist, 170:663-680.
15- Gow JL, Johansson H, Y. Surget-Groba, Thorpe RS. 2006. Ten polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers isolated from the Anolis roquet series of Caribbean lizards. Molecular Ecology Notes, 6:873-876.
14- Y. Surget-Groba, B. Heulin, C.-P. Guillaume, M. Puky, B. Smajda, D. Semenov, V. Orlova, L. Kupriyanova, I. Ghira 2006. Multiple origins of viviparity, or reversal from viviparity to oviparity? The European common lizard (Zootoca vivipara, Lacertidae) and the evolution of parity. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 87: 1-11.
13- Guillaume CP, Heulin B, Pavlinov IY, Semenov DV, Bea A, Vogrin N, Y. Surget-Groba 2006.Morphological variations in the common lizard, Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara. Russian Journal of Herpetology 13:1-10.
12- Heulin B, Stewart JR, Y. Surget-Groba, Bellaud P, Jouan F, Lancien G, Deunff J. 2005. Histology and histochemistry of the uterine glands and eggshell of the reproductively bimodal lizard, Lacerta vivipara. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 45:1011-1011.
11- Heulin B, Stewart JR, Y. Surget-Groba, Bellaud P, Jouan F, Lancien G, Deunff J. 2005. Development of the uterine shell glands during the preovulatory and early gestation periods in oviparous and viviparous Lacerta vivipara. Journal of Morphology, 266:80-93.
10- J.R. Stewart, B. Heulin, Y. Surget-Groba 2004. Extraembryonic membrane development in a reproductively bimodal lizard, Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara. Zoology 107:80-93.
9- Y. Voituron, B. Heulin, Y. Surget-Groba 2004. Comparison of the cold hardiness capacities of the oviparous and viviparous forms of Lacerta vivipara: a preliminary study. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 301A: 367-373.
8- P.-A. Crochet, O. Chaline, Y. Surget-Groba, C. Debain, M. Cheylan 2004. Speciation in mountains: phylogeny and phylogeography of the rock lizards genus Iberolacerta (Reptilia: Lacertidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 30: 860-866.
7- B. Heulin, S. Ghielmi, N. Vogrin, Y. Surget-Groba, C.-P. Guillaume 2002. Variation in eggshell characteristics and in intrauterine egg retention between two oviparous clades of the lizard Lacerta vivipara: Insight into the oviparity-viviparity continuum in squamates. Journal of Morphology, 252: 255-262.
6- Y. Surget-Groba, B. Heulin, S. Ghielmi, C.-P. Guillaume, N. Vogrin 2002. Phylogeography and conservation of the populations of Zootoca vivipara carniolica. Biological Conservation, 106: 365-372.
5- S. Ghielmi, B. Heulin, Y. Surget-Groba, C.-P. Guillaume 2001. Identification de populations ovipares de Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara en Italie. Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France, 98: 19-29.
4- G. Odierna, B. Heulin, C.-P. Guillaume, N. Vogrin, G. Aprea, T. Capriglione, Y. Surget-Groba, L. Kupriyanova 2001. Evolutionary and biogeographical implications of the karyological variations in the oviparous and viviparous forms of Lacerta vivipara. Ecography, 24: 332-340.
3- Y. Surget-Groba, B. Heulin, C.-P. Guillaume, R. S. Thorpe, L. Kupriyanova, N. Vogrin, R. Maslak, S. Mazzotti, M. Venczel, I. Ghira, G. Odierna, O. Leontyeva, J. C. Monney, N. Smith 2001. Intraspecific phylogeography of Lacerta vivipara and the evolution of viviparity. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 18: 449-459.
2- B. Heulin, C.-P. Guillaume, N. Vogrin, Y. Surget-Groba, Z. Tadic 2000. Further evidence of the existence of oviparous populations of Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara in the NW of the Balkan Peninsula. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Sciences de la vie 323: 461-468.
1- B. Heulin, Y. Surget-Groba, A. Guiller, C.-P. Guillaume, J. Deunff 1999. Comparisons of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences (16S rRNA gene) between oviparous and viviparous strains of Lacerta vivipara: a preliminary study. Molecular Ecology, 8: 1627-1631.
Y. Surget-Groba 2011. Losos, J.B. (2009): Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree: Ecology and Adaptive Radiation of Anoles. University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London. 527 pages. ISBN 978-0-520-25591-3. Amphibia-Reptilia, 32: 141-142.
K.M. Kay, Y. Surget-Groba 2013. The genetic of floral mechanical isolation in the neotropical spiral gingers. In "Evolution 2013", Snowbird, USA, June 2013.
Y. Surget-Groba 2012. Analysis of RNA-seq data. In "Workshop in Tropical Biodiversity and Genomics", XTBG, Menglun, P. R. China, June 2012. Invited speaker.
Y. Surget-Groba 2012. Rad sequencing as a rapid biodiversity assessment tool. In "Workshop in Tropical Biodiversity and Genomics", XTBG, Menglun, P. R. China, June 2012. Invited speaker.
Y. Surget-Groba 2011. Transcriptome analysis and identification of selected genes in non-model organisms. In "Workshop in Tropical Biodiversity and Genomics", XTBG, Menglun, P. R. China, June-July 2011. Invited speaker.
Y. Surget-Groba, H. Johansson, R.S.Thorpe 2010. Speciation in Martinique anoles. In "Biodiversité terrestre des Petites Antilles", Schoelcher, Martinique, November 2010. Invited speaker.
Y. Surget-Groba, H. Johansson, R.S.Thorpe 2007. Intra-island differentiation in anole lizards: a test of the allopatric speciation model. In "Evolution 2007", Christchurch, New Zealand, June 2007.
Y. Surget-Groba, B. Heulin, C.-P. Guillaume 2007. Phylogeography of the European common lizards (Zootoca vivipara: insights from mitochondrial DNA and AFLP data. In "Evolution 2007", Christchurch, New Zealand, June 2007.
Y. Surget-Groba, B. Heulin 2003. Reconstitution phylogéographique de la diversification génétique et reproductive du lézard Lacerta (Z.) vivipara au cours du pleistocène. Séminaire « Biodiversité » de l'Institut Français de la Biodiversité, Paris, April 2003.
Y. Surget-Groba, B. Heulin, C.-P. Guillaume, J. Deunff 2002. How many origins of viviparity in the lizard Zootoca vivipara? Results inferred from phylogeographic tools. In "Phylogeography in Southern European Refugia", Vairão, Portugal, March 2002.
Y. Surget-Groba, B. Heulin, C.-P. Guillaume 2001. Evolution of viviparity in Zootoca vivipara: a phylogeographic perspective. In "Fourth World Congress of Herpetology", Bentota, Sri Lanka, December 2001. Invited speaker.
D. Garnier, Y. Surget-Groba, B. Heulin 2001. Sexual steroids and modes of reproduction in two strains of Lacerta vivipara. In "14th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology", Sorrento, Italy, May 2001.
Y. Surget-Groba, N. Vogrin, C.-P. Guillaume, B. Heulin 2000. Genetic caracteristics and biogeographic history of the oviparous and viviparous strains of Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara. In "First International meeting on the Biology and Ecology of Alpine Amphibians and Reptiles", Nazarje, Slovenia, September 2000. Invited speaker.
G. Odierna, B. Heulin, C.-P. Guillaume, N. Vogrin, G. Aprea, T. Capriglione, Y. Surget-Groba, L. Kupriyanova 2000. The kariological variations existing within and between oviparous and viviparous forms of Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara: evolutionary and biogeographic implications. In "First International meeting on the Biology and Ecology of Alpine Amphibians and Reptiles", Nazarje, Slovenia, September 2000.
N. Vogrin, B. Heulin, C.-P. Guillaume, Y. Surget-Groba 2000. Reproductive mode of the Slovenian populations of Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara. In "First International meeting on the Biology and Ecology of Alpine Amphibians and Reptiles", Nazarje, Slovenia, September 2000.
R. Maslak, B. Heulin, Y. Surget-Groba, L. Pasko 2000. Genetical differentiation of the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758) in Poland on the basis of the mtDNA sequences (cytochrome b) - Preliminary study. In "Fifth Polish conference of Herpetology", Krakow, Poland, June 2000.
Y. Surget-Groba, B. Heulin, C. Guillaume, J. Deunff 2000. Phylogeography of the lizard Lacerta vivipara and evolution of viviparity. In "Phylogeography, Hybridization and Speciation meeting", Aussois, France, April 2000.
Y. Surget-Groba, B. Heulin, C.-P. Guillaume, N. Vogrin, J. Deunff 1999. Phylogéographie du lézard Lacerta vivipara et évolution de la viviparité. In "21ème réunion du groupe de biologie et génétique des populations", Rennes, France, September 1999.
Y. Surget-Groba et C. Grenot 1997. Ecologie du lézard vivipare dans une tourbière du Jura. In "Congrès de la Société Herpétologique de France", July 1997.